His Books
Α study that deeply examines the dialectical course of thought, with an emphasis on the connection between epistemology, logic, and dialectics, through the method of dialectical materialism. This work is characterized by originality and vitality, making it interesting for thinkers engaged with these issues. The exceptional difficulty of the topic suggests a profound and comprehensive approach to the subject, which is expected to offer significant knowledge and ideas in this particular field of philosophical thought.
The main issue examining is how logic, with its formal-dialectical and dynamic-dialectical structures, can be used for the comprehensive development of knowledge and science.
The basic idea is that logic should not be limited to formal structures, but should also include dynamic-dialectical structures, in order to accurately express the full content of propositions. Only in this way, according to Marx's views, will science be able to develop fully, as it will be expressed in the mathematical structures of thought.
Therefore, the proposal is to attempt to formalize the dynamic-dialectical structures of thought, so that logic can acquire the precision of formal structures and at the same time the depth and completeness of dynamic-dialectical structures. In this way, logic will be able to become the appropriate tool for the comprehensive development of scientific knowledge
Epistemology of Logic
Logic-Dialectic or Theory of Knowledge
A study with a unique approach to the theory of knowledge, for the world bibliography, the dialectical course of thought from its logical side and the future form that its dialectical structures will take, in the indivisible unit of epistemology, logic and dialectic, with the "method of dialectical materialism "A heavy work on an extremely difficult subject is possessed by originality and liveliness that captivates every restless thinker from the first lines