About fifteen years of intellectual toil and research of the amateur (not "professional" of philosophy) Epamineondas Xenopoulos are concentrated in this select book. A typographer by profession, the author, but a linguist and tireless researcher, digs with his Marxist scalpel in the depths of prehistory, and starting from the horse level of consciousness leads the reader step by step to its prologue, logic and selective level.
Xenopoulos, using impeccable research method, transports us from the group-regulated consciousness to the egocentrism, from the totemic and the mythological, to the philosophical and philosophical form of consciousness, providing us with a complete analysis of the conscious function, until it reaches the humanistic conscious of tomorow society
In the course of his writing, Xenopoulos quotes the respective positions of the views of hundreds of foreign and Greek writers, demonstrating, where they exist, the mistakes and the contradictions. In fact, it is an epic of the human race, narrated without references to historical figures, which usually disorient the reader from the real historical course.
Costas I. Tsaousis newspaper "Eleftherotypia" December 28, 1979 EP.XENOPOULOU
"The dialectic of consciousness"
Our author is an amateur scholar of philosophy: congratulations to him for having the courage to compile a volume and to methodically give what concerns the "Dialectic of Consciousness". All the chapters of the book reflect the broad knowledge of the subject but also the deepening of the, often complex concepts, whose intelligible wording characterizes the writing ability of Ep. Xenopoulos.
The structure of the writing is as follows: The introduction examines the object of research, the research method by highlighting its main features, and the philosophical overview of the dialectical contrast between the subject and the object. In the first part there is a detailed reference to the birth, development, evolution and organization of the conscious function, and in the second part the current stage of the conscious function (soul-body relationship) is examined, appearance of the mental, physiological background and evolutionary stages of the nervous organ, mental functions from the lower levels of the animal scale, to man. Here, too, nature, the nature of the psychic, and especially the mnemonic reserves, the texture and structure of the conscious function, the simple consciousness, the Ego and the unconscious are investigated, while a general table of the coexistence of "Is-Consciousness" is given during its evolution. social group from the beginning of humanization to the present day, and a schematic representation of the structure of conscious function.
THE BOOK REVIEW (Weekly Newspaper "ANENDOTOS July 3, 1980)
By Manolis Gialourakis ΕΠ.ΞΕΝΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ. "The dialectic of consciousness" study
A study that should not go unnoticed is certainly the multi-page work of Ep. Xenopoulos a work of effort, research and sober assessment of events. Studies such as the dialectic of the genre, need to be familiar with their subject, which only the long tenure in the field of social and philosophical texts, allows. These findings give even more weight to the work of Ep. Xenopoulos. And they make it a necessary aid with its general extensions, for all those who believe in the necessity of research with the criteria required by our time and its auspicious prospects in the final examination. Man. Gialourakis.
By Eugene TITOV
(graduate - Department of Informatics Engineering of the Hellenic Mediterranean University (EL.ME.PA.)
"Epistemology of Logic"
Almost three hundred years have passed since Hegel, denying Kant, crowned dialectics on the pedestal of objective methodology. It took three hundred years of argumentative wars, works and voluminous volumes to settle the matter of the change of being. Is it static? Does it changes?
I will try to be as moderate as possible in this statement, but in our times we are crossing the threshold of its final solution. We, the living are about to see the outcome of this leveling battle to the death, which so escaped the offices of the philosophers and became a slogan on the lips of the mobs rushing the streets of history.
While Hegel was still teaching (at that time he was enmity with Schopenhauer), he stood up against the symbolic translation and metamathematical treatment of his ideas, even though he himself set new axioms of logic, or modified older Aristotelian logical operations. At that time, Leibniz had made it known that he had been trying for years to make a mathematical language, whose purity could distinguish the false from the true proposition. Naturally, such a thing was impossible, since Boole had not yet been born to teach that logic can take a form, beyond the known mathematized one, and with his modal logic he examined concepts such as True/False and negation.
The history of symbolic logic stood aside from dialectics, although philosophers defined it as a logic more inclusive of propositions, postulates and functions within society. Frege, Russel, Hartmann and Wittgenstein, developed the Aristotelian view of logic, based on the irreplaceable axiom of non-contradiction, as they believed at the time.
A few years later the then young Gödel managed to show that there will always be a proposition which will make the Aristotelian/standard systems of logic and the mathematics produced from them, by means of modus ponens (induction) doomed, unable to prove their every assertion - and even if they did so - they were forced to accept a contradictory proposition that both it and its negation would hold.
The years passed quickly, but cognitively we did not advance a single essential step. Modal and value logics that were not based on the false/truth duality were developed but abandoned as hypothetical experimental logics and left in the closets, since they cannot produce analytical philosophy nor be technologically exploited at the computer gates of 1 and 0 (current passes / current does not pass) and academics for spent their careers for years on this subject like, "photons on mirrors" one here and one there.
Among the many researchers with their own experimental systems of logic, counted on the fingers of one hand, are those who saw that the future of the symbolic logic of metamathematics and of mathematical logic in general lies in dialectics. The mathematical instrumentalization of Hegelianism was indeed a terribly difficult task, and only the elite Logicians could accomplish even in its earliest forms. Suzsko, D.Dubarle saw Ilyenkov's dream and tried to enrich the standard Aristotelian logic with new postulates, such that change exists without to disrupts the systems they built with paradoxes and non-logic. The last and most unknown of Jaskwoski's Polish school, L. Rogowski, operated on the "sick body" of a science and a philosophical school that had crashed against a "concrete impenetrable wall". With his ingenuity he modified the two-valued logic and made it four-valued, in an effortless way he laid strong foundations for the introduction of new postulates such that they cover both the formalists of logic and the dialecticians who for years shouted with a voice "shouting in the wilderness", that they too were Logicians.
But there is a problem, the work of L. Rogowski has been lost. There is nothing about it on the internet and in fact there are people looking for it in various forums. The world did not care at the time because the word dialectic still had a bright red political color and so today it may only be found somewhere in the university taught by this unknown titan of the new logic. There is only one work by Konrad Turzynski that tries to give new explanations on his panel and concepts – weak negation N, strong negation N¯, initiation −→N , “finalization” ←−N , strong assertion T, retention ←−H and pretention −→H
After him we can find almost nothing, since dialectic is slightly Paracatian in the eyes of the old Logicians who have embraced Neopositism and with everence they insist on holding the thorny flower of non-contradiction and the excluded third. Certainly here we are a little lucky, because we have a book in our country by a man who has studied the Polish school and has analyzed his thought (of course in the framework of only two (2) pages, which is not enough). The book Epistemology of Logic by the philosopher Epaminondas Xenopoulos, not only teaches us every aspect of this new method but also puts these Logicians in order, so that the new researcher finds a "laid carpet" and all he needs is to think and to decide exactly how and in what way he will place the new postulates, so that finally the change will enter within the postulates of logic. To finally enter the final test that began with Heraclitus and continued with Nicolaus Cusanos in the Middle Ages to go through so many changes and forms until today, where philosophical systemic frauds use it to appear superior to their colleagues and sophistically justify actions of the respective tyrannical authority that has them in chairs with "soft cushions".
The new Logic is almost in its time, and we are witnessing the realization of the dreams of all the great dialecticians, or we are facing the proof that we must send them all into the abyss and consider their papers as simply a part of the history of early philosophy.